Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hospital Adventures (in pictures)

My fellow intern (Nicole) doing some paperwork in the nurse's station. Notice the TV on the right. Don't even THINK about bothering the nurses at noon when their favorite soap opera comes on.

Me in the radiology ward

Me and Nicole chillin next to the MRI machine.

Here we're facing the hospital and behind us is the entrance to the hospital (see the car coming in on the right side?)

Me and Giscard, another intern, near the exit of the hospital grounds.

Being a happy fool. (For those of you who don't speak French, "Urgences" means "Emergency") Every day I enter the hospital from the Urgences door.

"Interdit de stationner sur la pelouse" (translation: parking on the grass is prohibited)...and yet everyone parks on the grass lol

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